In search of the emotions that colour life and imprint the beauty of experience!

Monday, February 23, 2009

முதல் நாள் இன்று :)

Hi folks,
I am here... Stepping into the world of blogging.
Yes, I have decided to blog and here goes my first day, first blog :)

Life, the beautiful teacher, always gives teaches us- good bad, love hatred, joy sorrow and what noT!

Here I am... to share my thoughts and learning,
likes and dislikes,
experiences and ventures,
mistakes n achievements
that make my life more interesting N mould me to a better person!!

Hope to colour my forum with all of these, to mark siripin azhagu in all your eyes! ;) :D

Oscar connections - for the day;
in the world history for an Indian to grab 2 Oscars in the same year. Never before!
Yeah A.R.Rahman, the Isai Puyal has won 2 Oscar awards for the best Original score and best original song for the movie Slumdog Millionaire.
Rahman, perfect synonym for sincerity, simplicity and creativity has brought laurels to every indian!
Long live Rahman, Wish to hear more music!